2024龍年 新年快樂英文怎麼寫?龍年行大運 英文怎麼寫?隨著2024年龍年的到來,讓我們以真摯的祝福和歡愉的心情共度新的一年。這篇文章為您呈現一系列精心挑選的龍年新年祝福,以繁體中文和英文分享給您。從傳統的祝福詞到現代的祈願語句,每一句話都旨在為您帶來積極的心情,迎接新一年的到來。
中文 | 英文 |
龍年行大運 | Year of the Dragon brings great fortune. |
紅包 | Red envelope. |
跨 年 | Crossing into the new year. |
快樂 | Joyful. |
平安 | Peaceful. |
恭喜 你 | Congratulations to you. |
新年 快樂 | Happy New Year. |
龍年 | Year of the Dragon. |
拜拜 | Goodbye. |
年 年 有餘 | Surplus year after year. |
龍年行大運 英文: Year of the Dragon Brings Great Fortune
龍年新年快樂 英文: “Happy New Year in the Year of the Dragon!”
恭賀新禧:Best wishes for a happy new year.
恭喜發財:Wishing you happiness and prosperity.
祝您財源廣進:May wealth come generously to you.
年年有餘:May there be surplus year after year.
祝您大吉大利:Wishing you great fortune and great favor.
祝您身體健康:May you enjoy good health.
祝您心想事成:May all your wishes come true.
龍年行大運 英文 祝福語
- 龍年行大運,願你在新的一年中事業攀新高,幸福緊隨其後。
- 新年快樂!龍年的能量陪伴你,帶來健康、財富和好運。
- 年年有餘,願你在龍年中得到豐盛的成果和無盡的喜悅。
- 跨年祝福,讓龍的力量引領你跨越一切障礙,迎接無盡可能。
- 龍年行大運,願你的人生旅途充滿驚喜和美好的冒險。
- May the Year of the Dragon bring great fortune, propelling your career to new heights and happiness in its wake.
- Happy New Year! May the energy of the Dragon accompany you, bringing health, wealth, and good luck.
- Surplus every year; may the Year of the Dragon bring you abundant achievements and boundless joy.
- Best wishes for the New Year! Let the power of the Dragon guide you, overcoming obstacles and welcoming endless possibilities.
- Year of the Dragon brings great fortune; may your life journey be filled with surprises and delightful adventures.
龍年新年快樂 英文 祝福語
- 龍年新年快樂!願這一年充滿喜悅和幸福。
- 在龍年,送上最誠摯的祝福,願您事事如意,笑口常開。
- 恭祝龍年新年快樂,家庭幸福,事業蒸蒸日上。
- 祝您在這充滿活力的龍年中,健康安康,財源廣進。
- 願新的一年,龍年帶來無窮的好運和美好時刻。
- Wishing you a Happy New Year in the Year of the Dragon! May this year be filled with joy and happiness.
- In the Year of the Dragon, sending heartfelt wishes for everything to go smoothly and laughter to abound.
- Happy New Year in the Year of the Dragon! May your family be blessed with happiness, and your career soar to new heights.
- Wishing you health and prosperity in this vibrant Year of the Dragon, may wealth flow abundantly into your life.
- May the coming year, the Year of the Dragon, bring endless good luck and delightful moments your way.
龍年 紅包英文祝福語
- “在龍年,祝福您紅包滿滿,充滿繁榮和喜悅!新年快樂!”
- “願龍年為您帶來好運和繁榮。新年快樂!紅包裡充滿幸運和喜悅。”
- “在這個吉祥的龍年,願您的紅包充滿財富和繁榮。恭賀新禧!”
- “祝您在龍年裡充滿好運、幸福和成功。新年快樂!願您的紅包帶給您喜悅!”
- “恭賀新禧!願龍年為您帶來繁榮,願您的紅包象徵好運和豐盛。”
- “Wishing you abundant blessings and joy in the Year of the Dragon. Happy New Year, and may your red envelopes be filled with prosperity!”
- “May the Year of the Dragon bring you good fortune and prosperity. Happy New Year! Enjoy the red envelopes filled with luck and happiness.”
- “In this auspicious Year of the Dragon, may your red envelopes overflow with wealth and prosperity. Happy Lunar New Year!”
- “Wishing you a year filled with luck, happiness, and success in the Year of the Dragon. Happy New Year, and may your red envelopes bring you joy!”
- “Happy Lunar New Year! May the Year of the Dragon bless you with prosperity, and may your red envelopes be a symbol of good luck and abundance.”
2024 跨年祝福語
- “跨越到2024,願新的一年為你帶來無盡的希望和喜悅。新年快樂!”
- “迎接2024的來臨,願你在新的一年中事業蓬勃,幸福緊隨其後。”
- “跨越到2024,讓我們一同向前邁進,迎接新的挑戰和機遇。祝你事事順心,新年快樂!”
- “在這個跨年的時刻,送上最美好的祝福,願你在2024年裡充滿愛和成功。”
- “踏入2024,讓我們共同創造更多美好回憶,祝你新年快樂,幸福安康。”
- “As we cross into 2024, may the new year bring you endless hope and joy. Happy New Year!”
- “Welcoming the arrival of 2024, may your career flourish and happiness follow closely behind.”
- “Stepping into 2024, let’s move forward together, embracing new challenges and opportunities. Wishing you all the best and a Happy New Year!”
- “At this moment of crossing into the new year, sending you the warmest wishes for love and success in 2024.”
- “Entering 2024, let’s create more beautiful memories together. Wishing you a Happy New Year and a life full of happiness and well-being.”